
September 20, 2023

No Turning Baa-ck

How to leave your dream job and start a business

I have almost certainly reached the point of no return. I'm now one month out from leaving the safety of a monthly salary, health insurance and a blossoming career at a design agency.

I have been a part of the Webreality family for nearly 4 years as a Digital Producer, leading digital web projects for small local businesses, international charities and global PLCs. Life at Webreality is good; the team are great, the atmosphere is relaxed, the work is fun and I have genuinely loved it.

Strangely, Webreality has been around me most of my life. My Dad founded the business in 2000 before exiting in 2008. Some of the friendly faces I work with are still some of the same guys who would play Call of Duty 2 with me when I was 8 years old. It is with a certain sense of destiny that I leave the business having made lasting friendships and having learnt so much.

Despite my youthful looks and luscious locks of hair, I have been in the industry for a considerable amount of time. I decided very early in my career that I wanted to own a design agency. Since then, it has been a matter of when, not if. However, the longer you remain an employee, the harder it is to cut off the apron strings. As they say:

The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.

Now that I'm so close, I could not be more excited to begin full time with Electric Sheep. It's also an interesting time to start a business. Times are tough and they don't look to be getting any easier any time soon. Costs everywhere have been rising and the same is true in the agency world.

Electric Sheep aims to be the antidote to this, at least as far as a design agency goes. It's an opportunity to start from scratch. To do things differently. To offer the world a fresh perspective and hopefully one that resonates well with my clients.

My Dad started Webreality during the dot-com boom. Over 20 years later, Artificial Intelligence promises to bring another revolution, particularly to the industry I live in. I believe an agency with AI built-into its processes right from the start, has the best chance of thriving for the next twenty years.

In this blog, I will be sharing stories of starting and growing Electric Sheep, warts and all. One thing I can promise you with this blog is that it will not read like a LinkedIn post. There will be no thread emojis or talk of 'ChatGPT users are still in beginner mode' 🤮. Follow me on Twitter and I'll let you know the next time I post here.

Electric Sheep officially launches on October 30th and I can't wait to start this next chapter of my life. If you'd like to see whether Electric Sheep can help you and your business, you can book a free call with me.


That's me ^ without a sheep head on
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